C-Job Naval Architects and MEYER Group announce their strategic partnership

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We are excited to announce that C-Job Naval Architects has entered into a strategic partnership with MEYER Group. The strategic partnership between the two companies includes MEYER Group to acquire a 50 percent stake in C-Job. The move solidifies MEYER’s focus on sustainable solutions and allows them to diversify their portfolio.

A well-known player in the maritime industry, the MEYER Group is an international consortium including MEYER Werft with three shipyards in Papenburg, Rostock, and the Finnish city of Turku. The company is known for the construction of highly sophisticated cruise vessels and ferries.The MEYER Group recently expanded its operations with MEYER RE and offers shipping companies solutions to maximize their vessel’s sustainability, ideally throughout their lifecycle from development and build to supporting them through their operating lives and finally end-of-life recycling.

Malte Poelmann, CTO at MEYER Group, says: “C-Job and MEYER share the common vision to make shipping sustainable in the near future! We always want to offer the best and tailor-made engineering solutions, both for newbuilds and for the transformation of the existing fleet, together with MEYER RE. As strategic partners we will be able to push the boundaries for sustainable solutions in the maritime industry.”

At C-Job we have been dedicated to the research of alternative fuels for years. As thought leaders in the world of alternative fuels, we were the first company to prove that ammonia and methanol can be applied safely as marine fuels. The newfound strategic alliance will allow MEYER Group to utilize C-Job’s knowledge of and experience in applying renewable fuels to their portfolio, focusing on cruise vessels in particular.

C-Job CEO and co-founder Job Volwater, says: “We started C-Job in 2007 and we have been making waves ever since. We haven’t been afraid to do things a bit differently which has led to our successes. In MEYER Group, we have found a partner who aligns with our values and culture, making our partnership a natural fit. I’m proud MEYER and C-Job have combined forces and I am certain this union will fortify our position in both the Netherlands and internationally even more.”

Basjan Faber, CFO and co-founder of C-Job, adds: “In 2020 we vocalized our vision for a sustainable maritime industry within one generation. In MEYER, we have found a like-minded organization that shares this vision and wants to achieve this together. I have no doubt we will do great things together that complement and continue to build on what C-Job has achieved so far.”

Meyer Werft is one of the largest and most modern shipyards in the world, through the use of C-Job’s dedicated and innovative team, together we can make big impact on the industry. As two companies who are driving change and chasing sustainability in the maritime industry, the strategic partnership has big potential. Both companies and our portfolios will benefit from this exciting partnership and we look forward to what the future holds.

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