C-Job has a strong track-record of using the latest technologies to design sustainable and future-fit vessels. We also develop our own cutting-edge technologies to help create better ships for our clients.

Hull shape optimization
Developed in-house by our R&D department, our hull shape optimization tool is an example of how we use data analytics to optimize ship design. In this case, our tool optimizes hull resistance, taking into account stability and dynamic capability.
Operational profile analysis
At C-Job, we not only discuss a vessel’s operational needs with customers, we use data science and proprietary methodologies to ensure operational and design assumptions made at the beginning of the design process are validated or refuted.

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
At C-Job we investigate ship behavior digitally, with an in-house virtual towing tank. This helps our naval architects understand water flow around the vessel without the need for elaborate and expensive model tests.
Research and development
R&D at C-Job focuses on three core areas: energy, data science and autonomous shipping. We believe new thinking in each of these areas will provide huge added value to the maritime industry.

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