Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) compliance

From 1 January 2023, all vessels with a gross tonnage of 400 or above must acquire Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) approval.

C-Job can calculate the EEXI of your vessel and propose solutions where necessary so that the ship can continue its journey.

“Every vessel that docks from 1 January 2023 onwards must show they comply with EEXI regulations. It is imperative that ship owners act now to ensure timely EEXI compliance."
- Jan-Sietse de Boer, EEXI Expert
C-Job EEXI Expert Jan-Sietse de Boer

EEXI technical file

No on-board measurements are required to calculate the index of an existing ship since the EEXI is an index based on static ship design values instead of an operational information.

The attained EEXI is calculated by dividing the sum of the emissions of the main and auxiliary engines minus the innovative energy generation devices by the capacity times the reference speed times the reduction factors.

To make this calculation as easy as possible for our clients, C-Job R&D department developed a web tool. In the web interface the required and attained EEXI can be easily calculated by filling in the details of a vessel

C-Job will provide support at every step and complete the tool together with ship owners requiring an EEXI technical file.


EEXI services

Not all vessels will comply with EEXI vessels in their current configuration. For vessels that do not comply with the EEXI rules, there are several action ship owners can take to achieve compliance.

C-Job can advice which solution is best suitable to the vessel in question. Solutions include installing fuel saving devices or energy generating devices. C-Job will provide insights to ship owners to show which option yields the highest savings compared to the investment required.

Any vessels that previously have had energy saving measures applied that were not previoulsy quantified can also call on C-Job to assist. For example, a CFD simulation will show how much extra speed a low fiction coating has resulted in.

I would like support with EEXI compliance

Please fill out the form below and we will be in touch shortly